Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

One lady in red top is feeling pukish in a car.

How to Avoid Car Sickness

Tips for a Smooth and Nausea-Free Ride

Car sickness can be a terrifying experience. It comes with unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and headache. Statistics show that women and kids are more prone to motion sickness. By following a few tips, you can combat car sickness and make every ride pleasurable. Keep reading this blog by the McLaren Chicago dealership in Chicago, IL; we delve into some preventive measures for motion sickness.

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A couple wearing seatbelts and smiling

Why Should I Wear a Seatbelt While Driving My Car?  

Benefits of Wearing Seatbelts While Driving in Chicago, IL  

Regarding safe driving practices, one of the most crucial habits you can adopt is wearing your seatbelt. Seatbelts save lives and prevent injuries in the event of a collision. In this blog post, McLaren Chicago in Chicago, IL, will highlight the importance of wearing a seatbelt and its undeniable benefits to drivers and passengers.  

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Mechanic changing oil

How to Limit Wear and Tear on Your Luxury Vehicle?

5 Proven Tips to Protect Your Luxury Car Investment  

As a luxury car owner, protecting your investment and maintaining its pristine condition should be a top priority. Limiting wear and tear on your luxury vehicle is essential to ensure its longevity and reduce the chances of costly repairs. In this blog post by McLaren Chicago, we will provide five proven tips to help you protect your luxury car investment. Follow these guidelines to keep your luxury car in top shape for years.  

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Close-up image of a hand cleaning a vehicle's body

Step-by-Step Guide on Cleaning Your Exotic Vehicle

How Should I Clean My Exotic Vehicle?  

Cleaning an exotic car demands careful attention to detail to preserve its delicate and high-value finish. To help you maintain your vehicle’s pristine condition, we’ve put together some expert tips. Read this blog by McLaren Chicago, IL, to know more. Also, you can visit our dealership for repair and maintenance services.

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Close-up image of the 2023 McLaren GT on road

Do You Know That These Methods Can Protect Your Luxury Vehicle?

How Can I Protect My Luxury Vehicle? 

Owning a luxury vehicle takes a lot of money and effort. But it is indeed one of the best feelings in the world! Do you know what helps them maintain their brand-new look throughout? Check out some of the tips from McLaren Chicago in IL to practice protecting your luxury vehicle. Read on to learn more.  

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Person pointing to words Loan Approved

4 Tips to Get an Auto Loan with a Bad Credit Score in Chicago, IL

How to Get an Auto Loan in Chicago, IL 

A low credit score might make it tough to get an auto loan. But don’t despair! In this blog post by McLaren Chicago, we list four tips to get an auto loan with a bad credit score in Chicago, IL. From understanding your credit report to finding the right lender, try these tips and improve your chances of getting financing. 

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Teen Driver in a Vehicle

5 Important Driving Tips for Teens

5 Driving Tips for Young Drivers

Driving is a perfect blend of art and science. In addition to having skills, one must have a passion for getting it right. Drivers must enjoy it, and it is equally important to be safe. Drivers should keep some important tips handy. At McLaren Chicago, we focus on our drivers’ welfare and want the best experience. Teen drivers often face accidents and other critical issues while driving. This blog describes five driving tips for teen drivers. 

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A dog looking out of the window of a car.

How to Travel with a Pet in Your Car

Tips for Travelling with Pets in Your Car

You are excited about your upcoming road trip. Your car is set. Your destination is set. The only thing making you nervous is your little furry friend, who will give you company on the trip. You have never travelled with your pet before, and the mere thought makes you anxious. You want to ensure your pet enjoys the journey as much as you do. You do not want to put your pet in an uncomfortable scenario for the sake of some fun and thrill. Relax! Here, in this blog by the McLaren Chicago dealership in Chicago, IL, we present a few helpful tips for traveling with your pet in a car.

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A group of happy people are travelling in a car

Why Do You Need a Car Insurance?

Importance of Car Insurance

The basic idea of car insurance is that you are paying a small amount now to protect yourself from huge expenses in the future. It is an investment that will benefit you in the long run. No matter what kind of car you have or where you live, it is crucial to have car insurance. You cannot deny the fact that automobile repairs are expensive. Even though driving is fun, it is also associated with risks such as car accidents and other road mishaps that might damage your automobile. If you have auto insurance, you do not have to overburden yourself with a financial mess. Keep reading this blog by the McLaren Chicago dealership in Chicago, IL, to learn the importance of having car insurance.

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Two people talking of the collision that happened with their respective cars

What Are the Leading Causes of Car Accidents?

Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents are spine-chilling. They can cause permanent damage to mental health, physical health, and financial health. It takes just a second for a terrifying road mishap to occur. While driving is fun and relaxing, you cannot be laidback about it. As a driver, one is accountable for the safety of himself and the passengers. With mindfulness and cautiousness, you can have a safe and pleasant ride. Knowing the leading causes of car accidents, you will get a better idea of how to drive safely. Keep reading this blog by the McLaren Chicago dealership in Chicago, IL, to learn more about the leading causes of car accidents.

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