Category Archives: McLaren News

Forza Horizon 4 #DriveAtHome McLaren Speedtail

What is McLaren #DriveatHome?

Our lives have been a little different this year, as many of us have been affected by safer at home orders due to the pandemic facing the world. In an effort to reduce some of the stress and make time at home a little more enjoyable, McLaren kicked off #DriveatHome last month in conjunction with the Forza Racing Franchise. We thought we’d dive into this to give you the rundown on what it means.

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2020 McLaren GT Interior Cabin Seat Bottoms

What audio systems are in the McLaren Speedtail and GT?

The McLaren brand and its vehicles have earned numerous awards and titles throughout the years, but the pair of honors we’re covering today is especially exciting. You know that you’re going to be getting a stylish and high-performing vehicle any time you purchase a McLaren, but did you know you’re going to be getting an award-winning audio system if you buy a McLaren Speedtail or GT of your own?

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Black and orange McLaren Senna

McLaren Owner Spotlight: Car-Collector Kathy Cargill from Colorado

McLaren attracts many passionate automotive enthusiasts from all over the world, with each displaying their passion in unique ways. This includes car-collector Kathy Cargill, who is the proud owner of multiple McLaren models, including the McLaren Senna, McLaren 720S Coupe, and McLaren 570S Spider. In the mountainous paradise of Colorado, Kathy has created her own automotive paradise with her beautiful new garage that houses all of her McLaren models. Check out this McLaren owner spotlight video, in which Kathy takes us on a tour of her garage and McLaren car collection. Read the rest of this entry >>

McLaren supercars driving along the Coast of Croatia for McLaren Adriatic Drive 2019

McLaren Supercars Journey along the Coast of Croatia for McLaren Adriatic Drive 2019

Every year, McLaren Experiences offer unique driving and lifestyle experiences in beautiful locations around the world. In 2019, McLaren Experiences hosted the McLaren Adriatic Drive 2019, with McLaren vehicles taking a memorable journey along the stunning coast of Croatia, enjoying a life of luxury and high-level driving enjoyment. View here for some highlights of this unique event. Read the rest of this entry >>

A worker building a carbon fiber tub for a McLaren vehicle

McLaren Recruits Unconventional Applicants for the New MCTC Facility in Yorkshire

McLaren produces vehicles that are very unique, so it’s unsurprising that the British supercar maker is recruiting unconventional applicants for the McLaren Composites Technology Center (MCTC) in Yorkshire, England. McLaren is seeking applicants from a wide variety of fields to fill positions at MCTC, ranging from boatbuilding to the textile trade and sporting goods industries. Read the rest of this entry >>